inventory cycle time
美 [ˈɪnvəntɔːri ˈsaɪkl taɪm]英 [ˈɪnvəntri ˈsaɪkl taɪm]
- 网络库存周期;存货周期

The inventory management is the important part of supply chain management . This paper conducts some study and discussion in the aspect of demand and inventory cycle time .
The benefits of supply chain management are inventory levels , cycle time , business processes , and customer service .
The systems are comprehensively compared through statistics analysis their work in process inventory , delivered quantity , manufactured inventory and cycle time .
inventory risk
Inverse element
Inverse Laplace transform
inverse method
Inverse pole figure
Inverse problem
Inverse Proportion
inverse ratio ventilation
Inverse trigonometric function
inverse voltage
inventory analysis
invasive stage
invasive fungal infection
invasive breast cancer
invalidity insurance
invalidism rate
intrusion detection system
Introgression hybridization
Introduction to Bibliography